On May 6th 2010, approximately 23% of the British electorate voted for the Liberal Democrat party in the general election.… read more
August 26, 2007: Greece has been burning for three days now. The government has been unable to save hundreds of… read more
We have all heard of the Westboro Baptist Church sometime or another. They picket at soldiers funerals,little children's funerals and… read more
This petition is intended to urge Carleton College to take an official and public stance opposing an amendment to the… read more
On Nov. 30, 2010, the Smithsonian Institution (USA) removed "A Fire in My Belly," a work of video art by… read more
OBJECTIVE: The Approval of the New York "Choose Life" License Plate. IMPORTANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Children First Foundation (CFF), a… read more
Hasan Huseynli, the head of Intelligent Citizen Enlightenment Center Public Union, an NGO based in Ganja, Azerbaijan, has been arrested… read more
A retired member of the New York City Police Department who helped victims out of the World Trade Center on… read more
Dit is een open brief die in de VETO van 5 maart verschenen is en ondertekend werd door 17 organisaties:… read more
სახალხო დამცველის მოხსენებებში არაერთხელ აღინიშნა, რომ სამართალდამცავი ორგანოების მხრიდან კვლავაც არ კეთდება ჯეროვანი რეაგირება ქვეყანაში განხორციელებულ შეუწყნარებლობის… read more