Ο ΔΗΜΟΣ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΕΙ ΤΗΝ 10η ΑΓΟΡΑ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΧΩΡΙΣ ΜΕΣΑΖΟΝΤΕΣ Από τον Ιανουάριο του 2013, “το Μυρμήγκι”, το δίκτυο αλληλεγγύης… read more
Cannabis has no overdose level and nobody has ever died from using cannabis. Cannabis has documented medicinal value, which was… read more
In May 2012 Hull City AFC of the Championship put up season pass prices for disabled supporters only, by over… read more
Since its beginning the Occupy Camp on Market Square in Nottingham has maintained liaison with City Council officials. Shortly after… read more
The presumption of innocence, a vital element of all European legal institutions, is under threat by Laws 4093/2012 and 4111/2013… read more
Please sign this Norfolk-wide public petition today for the protection of crucial social services. Some are facing potentially devastating cuts… read more
People of Latvia are against the request of LVĢMC chairman of the board Andris Leitass to block meteo information from… read more
Firearm Ownership is not only a right guaranteed by the second Ammendment, but also a god given right to be… read more
Op basis van vermoedens!! heeft de burgemeester beslist men zaak te sluiten. read more
SCAN TV (Seattle Community Access Network Television) offer Seattle and King County residents and organizations affordable production resources and access… read more