Εν όψει των απειλών του κράτους του Ισραήλ εναντίον του Στόλου της ελευθερίας, θεωρώ ότι οι κυβερνήσεις των δυτικών χωρών… read more
“ Merentasi parti politik, Mengambil berat terhadap isu negara, Memberi layanan yang adil kepada pendidikan bahasa ibunda, Mengembalikan hak kerakyatan… read more
The Konso, also known as hard-working people, are a Cushitic-speaking ethnic group primarily inhabiting south-central Ethiopia under the administration of… read more
Hudson can be a leader in the nation by banning no-knock warrants. No-knock raids are known to cause needless injury… read more
Every year, students are granted the right to take off from school for religious holidays such as Christmas, Rosh Hashana,… read more
Medway Council are making DEAF people pay to learn British Sign Language. "ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) courses… read more
By 2017, it is estimated that law enforcement will have deployed over 30,000 drones in the United States. Some, like… read more
Declaring Martial law on Americans is Unconstitutional. read more
People children women and men are starving to death in Somalia while we enjoy wasting food in developed countries they… read more
For everyone who believes that sexual orientation doesn't determine someone's ability to love, this is the place for you. Gay… read more