We feel that according to the constitution gay marriage should be legalized. Any two people who love each other should… read more
Contra a utilização dos Jogos Olímpicos como uma ferramenta de propaganda de um dos regimes mais autoritários do mundo, que… read more
نحن نساء الاحزاب السياسية نرفع صوتنا عاليا موحداً ضد القائمة النسوية المنفصلة
Stop Brutal Repression of the Oromo People by the Ethiopian Government. Stop the massacre of Oromo people and suppression of… read more
Please read below and sign this online petition urgently. For years there has been a battle between the local government… read more
Każdy obywatel Unii Europejskiej jest uprawniony do ochrony konsularnej ze strony przedstawicielstwa dyplomatycznego lub konsularnego któregokolwiek z Państw Członkowskich, jeśli… read more
By signing this petition you are hereby supporting the action to ban Private Hand Gun ownership in Ontario, Canada. The… read more
Notre ville vient de connaitre une catastrophe chimique suite aux fuites de gaz toxique en provenance de l'une des unités… read more
Τα χαράτσια δεν έχουν τελειωμό. Καθημερινά τα εισοδήματά μας συρρικνώνονται, οι κόποι μιας ζωής χάνονται και οι συμπολίτες μαςσπρώχνονται στην… read more
NO for the establishment of a Kurdish entity on the land of Assyria The Assyrian people are considered to be… read more