Phuket is an island in the Andaman sea, its is a small island and much of its income is dependent… read more
On April 20th, 2010, an oil rig called the Deepwater Horizon exploded in the waters off of Lousiana, killing 11… read more
It is widely recognised that aviation has an undesired impact on air quality, wildlife, the watercycle, weather systems, soil quality… read more
Don't say you will die one day. Everyone will DIE. The Thing is that The next generation and every generation… read more
Whereas the current government went to an election promising not to impose a carbon tax. And, using the current numbers… read more
We as Americans are directly causing global warming and animal cruelty everytime we buy something that contains palm oil. This… read more
Where as Dr. Mark Jacobson of Stanford University and Dr. Mark Delucchi of the University of California at Davis have… read more
Global Warming, Oil Wars, Hunger and Air Pollution are among our biggest challenges in the 21st century. These challenges have… read more
In many places around the world, burning is used for a quick and easy way to prepare farm lands for… read more
Dear People out there, It seems that there is still much debate regarding Climate Change. Surely it is not difficult… read more