- Target:
- British Petroleum
- Region:
On April 20th, 2010, an oil rig called the Deepwater Horizon exploded in the waters off of Lousiana, killing 11 people and injuring 17 others. Oil seeped into our oceans, and has yet to come to an end.
Though BP placed a cap on the well, it is not capturing all of the oil that is flowing. 597 birds to date have been found dead due to the oil spill and the numbers are rising. Even dolphins, sharks, fish, and turtles are suffering from this tragic event.
This petition is meant to tell BP that they are held responsible for what has happened and no matter where the fault lies, it happened on their watch.
We are already facing enough of a crisis with global warming and this has added to it. Please BP, take care of the problem, stop the flow of oil, then help our oceans, our marine life, the gulf, and EVERYONE impacted to recover.
Those who sign are urging BP to stop the flow of oil urgently, and then provide help in trying to heal the damaged environment.
We feel this incident happened with you in charge, and that you should help restore the balance. We ask that you take responsibility for what has happened and aide in the recovery of our environment.
We who have signed also wish to submit some of our own comments on the matter. Listen to the people- SAVE OUR OCEANS.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The BP - Save Our Oceans! petition to British Petroleum was written by Cheyenne Givens and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.