People are polluting the air causing the suns rays to get caught in the Earth's atmosphere. The extra heat is… read more
According to a leaked document, the US Administration has rejected any prospect of a deal on climate change at… read more
Over the years our government has promised to help stop global warming, but they haven't seemed to do anything. They… read more
Millions of people are accepting global warming thory as simple fact without even glancing at the science. Why? because sensational… read more
為響應前美國副總統戈爾先生(Al GORE), SOS 及 等機構號召世人去對抗氣候變暖的危機,香港「基督徒環保關注組」決定於網上及2007年7月7日所舉辦的2場「活力地球好約會」聚會中,收集簽名聯署致香港政府的聲明,以提醒及支持香港政府要立即和堅決地展開消弭氣候變暖的危機!
The Carbon Coalition Against Global Warming is a farmers and citizens' movement campaigning to unleash the power of agricultural soils… read more
The Old Forests Appeal is an online petition that highlights the value of protecting old forests in the fight against… read more
Channel 7 news just said that by the end of this century it is more than likely all the polar… read more
Since his election into office as the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper has created many false promises about fighting climate… read more
This is a petition that, hopefully, will be sent to someone high in the government. read more