Presently, the perspective of people with disabilities is not formally represented in the structure of the AMA. This petition calls… read more
艾未未於2011年4月3日,在北京機場被公安帶走,原因不明。我們要求北京以合理、合法的手段對待人民,並呼籲北京當局立即釋放艾未未。 read more
We will present all World Leaders with the signatures plus the stories of adoptees to make them give every adoptee… read more
Depuis le mardi 15 février 2011 des manifestations pacifiques organisées en Libye à l'initiative de jeunes citoyens libyens sont atrocement… read more
Hashim is detained since 18/3/11 in bahrain prison. Accused of Incitement against the regime. Hashim is 1st class hons Engineering… read more
Abducted aged 6 and detained for 15 years. He is still the youngest political prisoner in the world.
Whereas the Ukrainian law on mandatory use of the red flag during Victory Day celebrations on May 9 is a… read more
UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2012 A further number of relief workers who were arrested while helping victims of the recent earthquake… read more
ჩვენ ვართ საქართველოს მოქალაქეები, რომელთაც ამოძრავებს სურვილი: შევცვალოთ ჩვენი პოლიტიკური სისტემა ისე, რომ ჩამოვაყალიბოთ თანამედროვე, დემოკრატიული და თავისუფალი ქვეყანა, სადაც… read more
On February 25th, 1999, Desta Dodson-Byrd’s lifeless body was found in the driveway of her home, in Brierfield Alabama, by… read more