The hemp plant cannabis sativa is the most useful of the hemp plants, but it's legalization has constantly been in… read more
The Uyghurs are indigenous to East Turkestan, which is also known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. For… read more
Name: Saeed Malekpour, Website Developer & Programmer Age: 35 Case Status: Detained since October 2008 for “Internet offenses.” Trial scheduled… read more
Kamal Begi, a Brampton Manor student, and his uncle have lost all their appeals and are under a threat of… read more
Les violences policières qui ont caractérisé les années les plus sombres de l’histoire du Maroc, les années de plomb, persistent… read more
La Coalición Global para Pisos de Protección Social ha preparado un documento de posición que aboga por un piso de… read more
Yunes Aghayan, an Iranian Azerbaijani from the Alevi (Ahl-e Haqq) faith of Islam, is in imminent danger of execution by… read more
(Following written by a Deaf person so shows Deaf/BSL word order and style) Interpreter service. We want to keep BSL… read more
Dear Friends: As part of the crackdown on protests against emergency/martial law, the Government of Pakistan recently brought sedition charges… read more
UPDATE - 12 APRIL 2013 : Hengameh Shahidi has suffered a heart attack (coronary) last night, 11 April 2013, she's… read more