PNS is naked! ;) read more
This petition is ban Polish citizens from entering the United States on grounds other than the political asylum. Republic of… read more
This petition is to ban Visa Wawer Program by the method administrative for citizens of European Union. EU is harassing… read more
This petition is to break diplomatic relations with Germany. Germany is threatening Polish and other citizens with compulsory military service… read more
Uno de los rasgos más sobresalientes de la democracia es el respeto a la voluntad popular, ejercida a través de… read more
Irak, Palestine, Tchétchénie... Jusqu'où iront-ils ?! Qui est le prochain sur l'agenda du terrorimse d'état... read more
While researching the qualifications for running for office, I came about a letter from the International Secretary. This letter stated… read more
This petition asks for the Argentinean government to release the names of those political prisoners murdered during the takeover and… read more
A petition to save Luis Gabbara, a senior at USDHS who is facing heavy jail times after he was caught… read more
Forbidden Love is the shocking testimony to the courage and strength of women who are prepared to defy generations of… read more