ما مگر چه می خواهیم که از حضور ما در جامعه وحشت می کنید؟ به مناسبت اولین… read more
Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other… read more
The City of Los Angeles will vote on an ordinance designed to prevent the homeless population from sitting, sleeping or… read more
Macquarie Univeristy is closing down a vital service for students and staff with disabilities. Formed in 2004, Macquarie University Accessibility… read more
90 million women and girls over the age of 9 yrs live with the consequences of female genital cutting in… read more
Imagine being arrested for a crime you didn’t commit. Now imagine being convicted for that crime, and sentenced to death… read more
Codex Alimentarius je planiran da stupi na snagu 31.12.2009, no sigurno niste čuli za njega. Zašto?Zbog toga što je to… read more
L'objectif de cette pétition est de dire "Non" à l'impunité et au négationnisme des crimes de 2005 au Togo en… read more
Καλούμε όλους τους πολίτες, όλες τις συλλογικότητες, σωματεία και μαζικούς φορείς να στηρίξουν το κάτωθι ψήφισμα για τους Σύρους πρόσφυγες.… read more
Description/History: Recently, Bolt has decided to put in place, and enforce discriminatory policies regarding the age of posters on certain… read more