Petition to the Greek Ministries of 1 Culture and Tourism 2 Transport, Infrastructure and Communication 3 Environment 4 Justice, Transparency… read more
Ers blynyddoedd maith mae pysgotwyr lleol wedi brwydro i achub y torgoch, pysgodyn unigryw i Lyn Padarn, rhag llygredd. Mae'r… read more
The Petition of the citizens of New South Wales brings to the attention of the House the crippling drought across… read more
I am writing to point out that the PMC has begun "channelizing" Devnadi, a stream in Baner that feeds the… read more
Domestic honey bees pollinate our fruit trees and vegetables and are an important and permanent part of our local ecosystem.… read more
Two First Nations communities devastated by mercury poisoning nearly 50 years ago are still feeling the impacts from the metal… read more
I am tired of loading up my car with my recycling, heading to the bins by Fareway, only to find… read more
Les puissants Lobbyistes de Monsanto sont arrive a faire adopter par le gouverment Burkinabe (en echange de quoi?) les grains… read more
Asian honeybees compete with managed European honeybees for floral resources. They rob honey from managed hives, which may cause hives… read more
FPL has a corridor through the Everglades National Park Addition lands where they would like to run high-voltage powerlines. NPS… read more