The route for Thames Water’s super sewer, which is also known as the Thames Tunnel, threatens two sites in Hammersmith… read more
Update April 2018 Please help us raise the necessary funds to challenge the Environmental Permit for the Covanta Incinerator in… read more
The wolf population in Norway is in a critical situation. This spring the government of Norway sanctioned a culling of… read more
Ανεμογεννήτριες και Ικαρία-Πώς μια ευλογία μετατρέπεται σε εφιάλτη Εγκρίθηκε άδεια της Ρυθμιστικής Αρχής Ενέργειας 877/11/15-7-2011 στην εταιρεία ΙΚΑΡΟΣ ΑΝΕΜΟΣ Α.Ε,… read more , Το τελευταίο διάστημα η Ελληνική κοινωνία βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπη με μια δυσμενή εξέλιξη, που αφορά τη δημιουργία νέων… read more
CAMPAIGN UPDATE (MARCH 16, 2010) Success!!! The Board of Health voted today in favor of lifting the ban on honeybee-keeping… read more
In 2008 as part of the government funded Cycle Demonstration Town project Brighton & Hove City council opened the cycle… read more
(Σημ. Παιδια αν και ασχολουμε με το θεμα δεν ξερω ολες τις λεπτομερειες και εχω βαλει το θεμα περισσοτερο σαν… read more
In response to the fact that tar sands oil mining is threatening caribou herds by destroying their habitat in Alberta,… read more
Heli-hunting destroys the natural quiet of the NZ backcountry. Heli-hunting is not permitted in any country in the OECD. Heli-hunting… read more