CYBERBULLYING & CYBERHARASSMENT : Consistent threatening or non-threatening, seriously questionable, scandalous in nature statements, injurious to a person's reputation, presented… read more
pagamento de nossos direitos trabalhistas ( salários, rescições contratuais, fgts ), não pagos pelos Dirigentes da TRANSBRASIL S/A LINHAS AÉREAS,… read more
A petition to call upon the Abilene, Tx City Council, to administer amendments to the Non-smoking ban that was previously… read more
“An effort to force a redesign of the nation's currency so the blind could more easily use paper money would… read more, a website devoted to all things vegan, is censored by the Peoples Republic of China and therefore off limit… read more
Nick Gisburn's video on YouTube, which consisted entirely of English translated quotes from the Qur'an, was deleted. His accounts have… read more
The GMPTE and Manchester councils would like to introduce a congestion charge to our busiest roads. They claim it is… read more
Cette pétition est délibérément adressée au parlement européen car, élu démocratiquement, il est le seul représentant légitime des citoyens au… read more
David Hicks is being held against the Geneva convention, without a fair trial or hard evidence against him. read more
In order to work with any persons defined as "vulnerable sector" all social workers, child and youth workers, teachers and… read more