Domestic abuse does not stop at the physicaly abused party, it contributes to the children involved mentally, which can be… read more
Há 8.000 anos antes de Cristo,os chineses já plantavam cannabis. Além da fibra de seu caule(o cânhamo) ser a mais… read more
At the age of 16, teenagers finally learn a small fraction of adulthood by learning how to drive. After getting… read more read more
Radio For All Australians. WHAT IS RADIO FOR ALL AUSTRALIANS? RFAA is a dedicated and committed Association Bringing Words to… read more
How can we ensure private universities are held to high standards? We can borrow the model from the corporate sector.… read more
On Saturday, October 21st, the Chance, a regional nightclub for upstart musical artists in the Poughkeepsie area, has slated the… read more
Current Australian gun laws are disarming the Australian Public of all means of defending themselves in the (now) likely event… read more
Domestic violence happens every day and we need Congress to help the survivors. read more
قبل عدة اسابيع قامت الجهات المختصة بتسليم إنذارات إلى جميع المنازل المحيطة بالنادي تعطيهم مهلة معينة لإزالة فرندات الحصير التي… read more