On the 1st March, 2010, leading Iranian film-maker Jafar Panahi was arrested in Tehran, Iran, under allegations of anti-governmental activities.… read more
სახალხო დამცველის მოხსენებებში არაერთხელ აღინიშნა, რომ სამართალდამცავი ორგანოების მხრიდან კვლავაც არ კეთდება ჯეროვანი რეაგირება ქვეყანაში განხორციელებულ შეუწყნარებლობის… read more
On May 6th 2010, approximately 23% of the British electorate voted for the Liberal Democrat party in the general election.… read more
Re: STRATA TITLES ACT 1985 W.A. Strata Title laws and properties are so complicated and caught up in professional jargon… read more
Parce que vous êtes une femme ou une jeune fille et que vous ne supportez plus les agressions verbales et… read more
The York City District Schools has been practicing a form of extortion by using the State to exhort money in… read more
Malaysia, Truly Asia - a cultural melting pot where people of different races all live in perfect harmony. Or so… read more
Out of the nine beaches over which Warringah Council has juridiction, dogs and their owners are not allowed on any… read more
New even harsher plans have been proposed for the Employment and Support Allowance in the UK. These will cause considerably… read more
CITY OF AUSTIN -- WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO HIDE? "Tell us whether or not this officer used excessive force;… read more