Εικοσιοκτώ αλλοδαποί εργάτες σε κτήματα στη Μανωλάδα Ηλείας μεταφέρθηκαν τραυματισμένοι σε νοσοκομεία της περιοχής, μετά από πυροβολισμούς που δέχθηκαν μετά… read more
Majid Tavakoli, is a prominent Iranian student leader, human rights activist and political prisoner. He is a member of the… read more
A Symbol of Pain and Ignorance: Take Down the Linden Post Office Mural! The mural in Linden's Post Office vividly… read more
Masoud Bastani, 32-year-old journalist was born in Arak. He has been editor of Jomhouriat website, and has had journalism backgrounds… read more
Petition to STOP the execution of Arash Sharifi, a political prisoner sentenced to death by the Iranian government. Arash Sharifi… read more
La Dama de Blanco Yazmin Conyedo Riveron y su esposo Yusmany Rafael Alvarez estan detenidos desde el 8 de Enero… read more
To make all law- makers aware of people who are suffering from an "Invisible Illness" which disables them and causes… read more
明光社將於七月二十五日新界區賣旗,我們呼籲各位買旗前先認清明光社是一個甚麼組織。 明光社是一個打著「道德」、「正義」旗號、自稱沒有宗教背景的基督教右翼團體,執著一些所謂的「社會倫常道德」,對同性戀及現時的性話題大加打壓。該社的理念實在是社會的大倒退,相信要社會回到「餓死事極小;失節事極大」的文化裡,才會滿足。 香港近年發生了很多關於道德文化的風波,如《秋天的童話》事件、鏗鏘集《同志.戀人》事件,以及《中大學生報》事件,都是拜明光社及其友好組織的無風起浪所致的;人們對這些偽道德投訴似乎愈來愈受落,最可悲的是,各政府部門及法例條文都傾向與這些謬論靠攏。 如今明光社即將舉行賣旗籌款。賣旗籌款原是積善積德之善舉,奈何由明光社發起的,其慈善意義便蘯然無存。它籌款的目的也只不過為了購買辦公室[1],枉花廣大市民的血汗錢去印製單張、登報製造白色恐怖及發動更多的偽道德干戈、為害社會。聰明的你,請不要助紂為虐,你對明光社賣旗的杯葛,便是對廣大市民造福。 註 [1] http://www.truth-light.org/image/money_001.jpg http://www.truth-light.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=25
Abducted aged 6 and detained for 15 years. He is still the youngest political prisoner in the world.
English version, French version below. Version anglaise, version française ci-dessous. PETITION FOR CITIZEN'S ARREST Between: CANADIAN CITIZENS (BY BIRTH, IMMIGRATION,… read more