State Government of Madhya Pradesh, is playing with the fundamental rights of people most of whom are poor tribals, at… read more
Rights for Seniors The laws that are theoretically intended to protect our Canadian senior population may look good on paper,… read more
Since the Taliban took power in 1996, women had to wear burquas and have been beaten and stoned in public… read more
Mahdieh Golroo, Student Activist and Member of The Council to Defend the Right to Education Mahdieh Golroo, student activist deprived… read more
Chinese government called these refugees "are not refugees but illegal defectors, that ran away to China for simple economic reasons"… read more
The One Child Policy in China allows families to have only one child, with few exceptions, in an effort to… read more
On Friday the 15th of March 2013, a Swiss girl was raped by several (possibly 7 or 8) Indian men,… read more
We oppose physician-assisted suicide because it destroys the trust between the patient and doctor, Under the pretense of providing compassion,… read more
AUGUST 22, 2016: Reporters Without Borders Reports that an appeal court in the city of Saveh, in central Iran, has… read more
GeoEngineering is a well documented, well funded, reckless & arrogant tampering with Nature. Current NH law allows for this activity… read more