Termination, Prosecution and Conviction of Responsible Individual(s) of Zania's Cruelty

- Target:
- Honorable Tom P. Thompson
- Region:
October 31, 2005
Mauled dog faces death after being left untreated at Lebanon Animal Control Shelter.
Seeking termination, prosecution and conviction of Josh Greer and individual(s) responsible for animal cruelty and abuse of Zania.
Zania, a 4-year-old black Labrador retriever, was a playmate to a 4-year-old boy living in Mt. Juliet. She was picked up Friday, October 14, 2005, for running loose and placed in the Lebanon Animal Control facility because Mt. Juliet has no facility of its own. Zania was placed in a pen on Saturday with three other dogs, who for several hours, continuously attacked her until she was found lying in a pool of blood Sunday afternoon.
Zania was removed from the pen, hosed off (to wash off all the blood), and left outside on the concrete floor. She lay on the cold (50 degrees), wet concrete until an anonymous phone call was made to the Director of the Humane Association of Wilson County, a nonprofit, private agency with no ties to Lebanon Animal Control.
The dog was lying apparently lifeless on the concrete floor inside a chain link fenced enclosure when the Director arrived. She discovered the dog was still alive and called the Police Department, who came with an animal control officer 30 minutes later. After another 30 minute delay, they took the dog to the Lebanon Animal Hospital. The Director confirmed with the animal control officer that Zania was a healthy dog when she was picked up. The animal control officers also confirmed they were aware Zania had been injured earlier by the other dogs, but had made the decision to let her recover on her own.
Dr. Craig, the attending veterinarian, verified Zania was in shock, had a subnormal temperature, blood loss and would not have survived over night if she had been left untreated at the animal control facility. Details of his report and pictures of Zania can be seen at:
http://www.oilydog.org/lab.htm. There is also another article at:
When the story first came to light, Zania was facing leg amputation. Now, she is facing death because of the cruelty inflicted by Josh Greer.
According to Tennessee Code, Title 39 Criminal Offenses, Chapter 14 Offenses Against Property Part 2-Animals, under Section 39-14-202, Cruelty to animals:
(2) Fails unreasonably to provide necessary food, water, care or shelter for an animal in the person's custody;
(3) Abandons unreasonably an animal in the person's custody; and
(4) Transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner can be found committing an offense under this section and is a Class A misdemeanor.
In addition, 39-14-212 Aggravated cruelty to animals - (a) A person commits aggravated cruelty to animals when, with aggravated cruelty and with no justifiable purpose, such person intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal. Under this section, as of June, 2004, offenses carry felony level penalties. We believe these codes have been violated.
It is not acceptable or humane to place dogs with unknown histories in cages together especially with breeds known for fighting. Zania was denied shelter with no protection from the elements as she lay dying, compassion in her handling while in Josh Greer's and other animal control officers care, protection when she was locked and confined in a pen with a breed of animals known to fight with no means of escape or protection, and immediate vet care as she lay in critical condition. She was confined and abandoned in a cruel manner that now threatens her life.
Zania has suffered enough. Our prayers and thoughts are with Zania and her family. We respectfully ask that you act on behalf of Zania and other animals who have found themselves in similar situations to put a stop to the cruelty and abuse that exists at Lebanon Animal Control. Josh Greer and those individual(s) responsible for Zania's cruelty and abuse must be terminated. No justifiable purpose can be found in the reckless, cruel, and abusive manner in which the animal conrol officers behaved in the care, handling and decision making for Zania. We therefore petition that they be prosecuted and convicted to the fullest extent of the law.
On behalf of Zania and all animals, we thank you.
Dear Honorable Tom P. Thompson:
We are seeking the immediate termination of animal control officer, Josh Greer, and other individual(s) of the Lebanon Animal Control Shelter in Lebanon, Tennessee, that are responsible for the cruelty and abuse to Zania.
In addition, we are petitioning for the prosecution and conviction of Josh Greer and other individual(s) responsible for failing to provide necessary care, shelter, and immediate vet treatment for Zania, a companion animal, who was attacked and mauled by three other dogs when she was cruelly confined and abandoned in a locked pen while in the custody of the animal control officers.
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The Termination, Prosecution and Conviction of Responsible Individual(s) of Zania's Cruelty petition to Honorable Tom P. Thompson was written by Laura Lassiter and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.