Whereas the citizens of Canada have duly elected the Members of the 40th Parliament, and Whereas the first session of… read more
We are serious about Our Right to Feel Safe in Queensland and we are calling on you to take action.… read more
On March 3rd 2010 during The Throne Speech,it was said that there is a concern about the gender inequality of… read more
Members of Parliament should NOT have 2nd OR 3rd JOBs Yes we need someone to represent OUR interests, not self-interest… read more
A fundamental of British democracy has always been that a simple majority can bring an unpopular government to a vote… read more
With respect to the reported plan to have a 55% vote for the dissolution of Parliament I must protest in… read more
Σύμφωνα με τους υπολογισμούς της Εξεταστικής Επιτροπής, το ελληνικό Δημόσιο έχει χάσει τουλάχιστον το 10% του συνόλου των προμηθειών και… read more
Tobacco kills many thousands of Australians every year, adversely affecting tens of thousands of families. 80% of Australian smokers would… read more
The cyclist free lunch needs to come to an end. I want to send this idea and my reasons to… read more
Please join CRY’s campaign for justice for families of fit and healthy young people who are dying from undiagnosed but… read more