- Target:
- 10 Downing street
- Region:
- United Kingdom
The cyclist free lunch needs to come to an end.
I want to send this idea and my reasons to the sleepy heads in parliament.
I would really appreciate your support on this as these pious Cyclists constantly flout the highway code and then complain about the people who pay an ever increasing amount of money for the roads that they ride for free.
So please help me end this discrimination and make things fair, right safer, and equal for everyone.
To make it Law that all cyclists including children wear a Hi-Viz smock.
Clearly displaying a number like other road using vehicles, identifying them to the police, cctv and speed cameras.
The number should be registered like other road vehicles and pay tax insurance and a yearly cycle check for safety. This should be enforced to prevent selfish, abusive, incompetent, erratic and dangerous cyclists causing danger on our roads and all public spaces.
What happened to the cycling proficiency test? You need a licence to drive a motor vehicle but any idiot can mount a bicycle and cause chaos and damage on the roads pavements, parks, and the countryside for free this must not be aloud to continue in modern times.
Cyclists need to take financial responsibility for their choice of transportation, and contribute like motorists fairly and equally towards the roads that they use, after all they do have their own lane that motorists can't use!
They even use bus lanes with immunity this blatant favoritism needs to come to an end.
Also a cyclist still produces C02 (through breathing heavily) so they are not as green as they claim either.
They should take training, pass a competence test pay their fees, get their vest and wear it. Therefore providing much needed revenue for the country and help. Prevent benighted adults and children causing accidents on the roads that is totally preventable.
Also to identify drug dealers and other criminals that use bicycles as the IDEAL getaway vehicle and disappear without a trace. Anyone in breach of this law should be subjected equally to the same laws as motorists.
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The Cycle tax for safety's sake petition to 10 Downing street was written by Oliver Crowley and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.