Every week there are newspaper and police reports of children being brutally raped and murdered at the hands of ruthless… read more
Οι Έλληνες ζητούν ισότητα ενώπιον του νόμου. Το Μ.Ε.Σ.Α. ("Μαζι Εναντια Στην Αδικια", βλ. ιστοσελιδα) συντάσσεται και ως εκ τούτου… read more
The history of corruption in Jamaica has caused great harm to Jamaica's reputation. Decent Jamaicans are of the view that… read more
I am asking the New Zealand parliament to vote for and hold a Royal Commission into institutional Responses to Child… read more
It is legally unchallengeable that the party system, with it's direct and indirect powers of manipulating politicians and people, has… read more
It is Legally unchallengeable that the party system of Government exists and operates ONLY because the Australian people have been… read more
Justin Trudeau promised a modest deficit when he was trying to get your vote. Now that he is in office… read more
The House of Commons is attempting to organise a vote of no confidence in John Bercow, MP, and House Speaker.… read more
If the present glory of Britain lies in The Commonwealth, then its shame lies in having allowed itself to be… read more
Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network is part of the national Lift the Ban coalition campaigning for people seeking asylum to… read more