On 10th October 2008 the Victorian Parliament narrowly passed the Abortion Law Reform Bill 2008 in a conscience vote. This… read more
Please read John 17 three times in one week and see how it changes you and our family. read more
Hello to all! Thank you, for stopping and checking out the "1 million signatures, 4 HOT music" petition!!! This is… read more
An organization has been granted a Federal Hearing on the removal of Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah… read more
At a meeting hosted by Churches Together in Luton (CTL) and Luton Council of Mosques (LCoM) on Wednesday 13th May… read more
As Friday 12th of 2009 the Islamic Republic of Iran re-elected Mahmud Ahmadinejad for the presidency it is risen the… read more
The Nativity Scene was removed from the lawn of the Luzerne County Courthouse in response to threats of a possible… read more
The former Gala Bingo Building in Camberwell has been bought by a business and a church. Prior to being a… read more
Please help us win the necessary cooperation from city officials to host nationally recognized Musicians, Bands, theatre troops, and dance… read more