Pakistani Christians across the globe have been holding protests calling for the Justice for 13 year old Arzoo Raja from… read more
Since 22 August 2020, PVT Halliday has been labeled as a criminal, a “DESERTER”, without proof or evidence. He is… read more
Sign this petition to Rescind Richard's Article 15 and Defer All present Article 15s at Fort Bliss until investigated. Help… read more
Richard Halliday vanished from his barracks room on 23 July 2020. He only had a week or two before discharge.… read more
Sign this petition to request military recruiters discontinue recruiting anyone under the age of 20 years old. Request changing Title… read more
In 2022, Humanity with advancements & technology can not provide World Peace. We look to the supernatural power of God… read more
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America is made up of all the active, canonical… read more
It's become impossible to watch anything on Netflix/Prime Video as almost everything contains an uncanny amount of Blasphemy, as a… read more