- Target:
- To all involved in media
- Region:
- Website:
- www.radiowavecds.com
Hello to all!
Thank you, for stopping and checking out the "1 million signatures, 4 HOT music" petition!!! This is the 1st of many "People 4 hot music" petitions.
Current featured artist/producer: Cin-Q by way of Product-Q productions
Let your voice be heard!!!
Dear Music industry execs, A&R's and Distributors,
We, the undersigned, urge you to stop watering down the music industry. We are tired of being force fed material that wouldn't ordinarily grow on us. We are speaking of phase music. Music that is played so frequently, it has no choice but to grow on you. Music that is soon to be neglected, left in a pile of cds to get scratched, and never able to play in our cd players again. This is music we will have no use for in the near future.
We miss the emotion that came with hearing new,creative music being birthed to our ears. The urgency we had to tell our friends about what we discovered.
We, people respectful of true music, demand that you recognize that music produced by Product-Q Productions is ridiculously HOT. We also feel the necessary steps should be taken to outlet this to the masses.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The 1 mil sign 4 music (Cin-Q) petition to To all involved in media was written by Cin-Q and is in the category Music at GoPetition.