Cervical smear test is used to look for changes in cervical cells and to identify whether further investigation is required.… read more
Dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) is colourless, odourless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are… read more
Help make cancer research and treatment a National priority. read more
The Bansley Doncaster Rotherham Waste Partnership has successfully secured £77.4 million of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) funding from the Government… read more
I have noticed that we have a black history month, breast cancer month, AIDS awareness month, etc etc. But I… read more
I am a UK citizen who is outraged about the fact Barack Obama will not consider giving Michael Jackson His… read more
Do you know someone who has died or is dying from cancer? Many, too many… one every 5 seconds, dies… read more
Un projet de centrale électrique au gaz est actuellement en discussion pour une implantation à Hambach par Direct Energie. Ce… read more
Widows on a Warpath was founded by Bette Hudson to bring forth the awareness of the spraying of Agent Orange… read more
Low dose naltrexone is a cheap and safe drug that helps millions of MS, Chron's disease and cancer patients sufferers.… read more