Barnsley, Rotheham, Docaster councils
United Kingdom

The Bansley Doncaster Rotherham Waste Partnership has successfully secured £77.4 million of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) funding from the Government to plan for the treatment of leftover waste. Their plans are to build a super incinerator.

There are many concerns in connection with the incinerator: health risks, increase in traffic and pollution from it, congestion on the roads; incinerator is an eye sore, it may negatively affect house prices and it undermines commitments to reduce, reuse, recycle.

According to the British Society for Ecological Medicine, Incinerator emissions are a major source of particulates, of toxic metals, carcinogens, mutagens, and hormone disrupters.

Not all emissions can be filtered out, particulates will be thrown out into the atmosphere and fall out on to residential areas, schools, farms, ecosystems. Studies have also shown that incinerator emissions cause an increase in the rate of cancer, asthma, heart disease and overall mortality. Pollutants can travel great distances some sources say over 25 miles. Private companies that will be running the incinerator will be making money at the expense of public health and the environment.

Some of the proposed sites are Thurnscoe Business Park, New Stubbin Colleiry Rawmarsh, Corus Steelwork Parkgate, Bolton Rd Manvers,Stairfoot Business Park, Wheatly Hall Rd Doncaster, Capitol Park, Doncaster, Beaston and Clark Glassworks Barnsley,Dinnington Monksbridge Rd, Redhouse interchange Doncaster, Hatfield Power park Doncaster and others.

We the undersigned call on the Planning Committee of Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Councils to reject the application for the Joint Strategic Waste Development (incinerator) in South Yorkshire

It is hazardous to health. Not all the heavy metals, dioxins and particulates can be filtered out, and they cause cancer, respiratory diseases and heart failures.
Burning the waste undermines commitments to reduction of waste and recycling.

It will increase traffic and pollution from it, congestion on the roads. Incinerator is an eye sore; it may negatively affect house prices.

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The No to the South Yorkshire Incinerator petition to Barnsley, Rotheham, Docaster councils was written by Natalia Mortimer80 and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.