A Telecommunication company is proposing to build a 35 metre hight monople antenna directly in front of high density residential… read more
PLEASE SIGN BELOW BEFORE SHARING WITH YOUR FRIENDS OR YOUR SUPPORT WILL NOT REGISTER!! Retinoblastoma is a life-threatening eye cancer… read more
The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is flawed and dangerous. It was subject to a Review which, ostensibly, ordered it be… read more
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2LQvRiJKxQ&feature=player_embedded A number of studies show that THC provides medical benefits for cancer and AIDS patients by increasing appetite and… read more
Pancreatic cancer kills 7,000 Brits every year. It is the fifth biggest cancer killer in the UK and a mere… read more
Stand up to harmful dangerous toxic chemical Bisphosphonates Drugs that dates back to the 1800’s…Osteoporosis Drugs claim to cure or… read more
My baby sister was recently SUSPENDED from Lamar Middle School Lamar School District RE2, for wearing a "I <3 BOOBIES"… read more
This letter is in support of the more than more than 140 electronics workers in Korea who have developed cancer… read more
Every year around the globe, Breast Cancer treatment is celebrated in October. The general public presumes that breast cancer is… read more
Currently the main treatment that recommended for cancer is chemo and radiation. These treatments have an overall success rate of… read more