Penduduk sekitar Kundang dan Bandar Tasik Puteri (BTP) yang ingin keluar dari lebuhraya LATAR untuk pulang ke rumah terpaksa membuat… read more
Jangan hapuskan seni mural di Taman Molek. We want the murals at Taman Molek area to remain. 我们要保留百合花园的壁画 BAHASA MALAYSIA… read more
柔佛卅人民宣言 国家独立五十年,当今面对全球化和专业时代的来临和挑战的时刻,我们要做好心理上和行动上的大改变。柔佛卅的政治长期耒受种族政治垄断而发生贪污午弊,治安不靖,宗教压制,教育严重偏差,政诒极端,环境破坏,产业废置,管理失当等社会大病。我们不能等闲视之,为了国家,民族,家园和子子孙孙。
This is a petition to release Arashi album in Malaysia. As we know, Arashi have a large number of fans… read more
As you read this, hundreds of mice, rats, cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, monkeys, and other animals are dying in cruel… read more
The two misperceptions of gay and lesbian couple's adoption are because of same-sex parents will caused the children become abnormal… read more
Lots of Indians in Malaysia have fallen victim to this cult. Yet no action taken against them. read more
Syarikat Sejuta Jalin Sdn Bhd beralamat di Selangor, Malaysia memohon tanah seluas 200,000 ekar (Ruj. PPHT(KP)16/PT.605 dan 200 ekar (Ruj.… read more
There has been a current conviction of acquiring our land; housing area (Jalan Storey, Kim Teng Park, Johor Bahru) for… read more
Death Penalty: 441 hanged to death since 1960, another 696 on death row as at 20/2/2011 358 persons were hanged… read more