January 7, 2006 Those campaigning on behalf of the families of the British residents detained at Guantanamo are very concerned… read more
This petition is regarding North Cyprus and performers who are wishing to come to the Island to perform for their… read more
All we refugees from Afghanistan came to Europe because we couldn't live any more in refugee camps in our country.… read more
Le Groupe de Revendication pour une Maison de Naissance dans Lanaudière est composé de femmes et de familles qui ont… read more
El 13 de Enero de 2012 el consulado venezolano en Miami cerró sus puertas dejando a más de 160mil venezolanos… read more
UPDATE DECEMBER 29, 2012 Less than three months after being ordered to begin serving his nine-year prison sentence in Evin… read more
On December 12, four people including a rickshaw driver aged 35, were killed as garment workers clashed with police. According… read more
Серйозні вчені та поважані політики більше не піднімають питання про історичний голодомор на Україні в 1932-1933 роках. До нещастя, голодомор… read more
ЖЕНИТЕ в подкрепа на българските медици Неправителствени организации от Бургас започнаха активна кампания в защита на българските медици и палестинския… read more
British Govt Detains Nigerian Couple’s Six Children was published by the National paper Leadership on 21 August 2011 and… read more