In too many cases, California fathers end up paying child support on other men's children AND DON'T KNOW IT! Often… read more
The government of Zimbabwe is giving its impoverished citizens a stark choice: Vote for President Robert Mugabe in the upcoming… read more
The Salvo Careline opened 23 years ago in Perth. It was designed to provide emergency accommodation, support, referrals, listening ear… read more
抗議香港警察侵害港大校園請願信 中國國務院副總理李克強訪港期間,警方在全港多個李克強到訪之處濫用權力侵害廣大市民的自由及人權。當中,八月十八日,香港大學舉行百周年慶典期間,警方封鎖校園出入口,打壓學生、校友及社會人士的示威活動,我們認為,此舉是對香港大學的嚴重侵害。 香港大學向來是自由、開放的空間,警方以「維護李克強的尊嚴,確保無人妨礙慶典進行」的「保安理由」大舉進駐校園,早在慶典進行前的凌晨時分, 校方已封鎖慶典舉行場地--香港大學本部大樓,更在清晨起封鎖校園出入口,限制公眾出入,不少欲進入校園學生、校友、教職員、職工及公眾人士均被警方攔 阻,又或多番檢查證件,此舉侵犯了香港大學學生、校友、教職員、職工以及社會人士的自由及人權。 不僅如此,警方更打壓在場學生、校友及社會人士的抗議行動,不但限制活動範圍及強行將其帶離現場,當中有同學表達訴求時被警方推倒在地及非法禁錮,此舉實嚴重剝削市民表達訴求的權利,更對表達訴求的人士造成人身傷害,行為令人髮指! 為保障大學作為學術自由、言論自由、讓思想百花齊放的平台,它必須享有免受行政部門干涉的獨立自主。在這個大前提下,警察肆意闖入港大校園,無異於行政部門的權力踐踏大學的獨立自主,是對學術自由、言論自由、表達自由的一大破壞。 我們強烈譴責警方在李克強訪港期間濫用警權,危害香港社會的自由及人權,我們要求香港警察: 1. 就八月十八日侵害港大校園事件作交待; 2. 就剝削公眾的自由及人權道歉; 3. 就濫用警權問責;及 4. 向公眾承諾,不論在港大校園內或外都不可再剝削人權及自由、不可再打壓公眾表達訴求的自由。 read more
Genocide, starvation, corruption and injustice in the Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua, Mexico. And in the cities people die in the hospitals… read more
Labour activist arrested before Workers' Day Fri, 04/27/2012 Iranian labour activist Zabiollah Bagheri was arrested in Esfahan this week, according… read more
Zhila Karamzadeh Makvandi, one of the supporters of The Mothers of Laleh Park (Mourning Mothers), was arrested by the security… read more
We would like to bring to your attention the case of : ROBERT O. COULSON. WE BELIEVE ROBERT IS INNOCENT!!!… read more
Emad Bahavar, Sentenced to 10 years for "insulting the Supreme Leader" RAHANA: Emad Bahavar, a political activist and head of… read more
Last updated: August 3, 2014 Iranian political prisoner, Mohsen Rahmani, has been sentenced to seven years in prison. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According… read more