This program is completely voluntary. but the salvage yards will not be able to sell Engines, and Transmissions that could… read more
Peticion për një Union Ekonomik Shqiptar Ne një grup figurash institucionale, intelektualësh, autoritetesh akademike, profesionistësh të shquar në diasporë, politikanësh… read more
To legalize the use of marijuana in the state of Massachusetts. read more
This last election showed some of the lowest voter turn-outs in Canadian history, please send the message that Canadians still… read more
Our Federal Government is proposing a new tax that will be placed on non-alcoholic beverages such as soda, pop, juice,… read more
CY即將於七月一日上任特首,請各位支持者聯署以下信件,給CY打氣加油,亦煩請廣傳。謝謝! 每一個簽名,每一個留言,都代表一份心意,所以無論簽名人數多少,定必在六月三十日傳送至候任特首辦。 read more
Beautify Modesto is a group founded with the mission to improve the physical appearance and general quality of life of… read more
Texas House Bill 5 has passed both the state houses of government and signed into law by the Govenor posing… read more
Kate McCann has been questioned about her missing daughter as has her husband. Well let me mention that both parents… read more
In the United States which I know and served for some forty years; I have witnessed a breakdown in the… read more