Missouri The suicide of a 13-year old girl Megan Meier who was the victim of an internet hoax greatly raised… read more
I am online all the time, and all that I seem to see is bots, and sex chat, I would… read more
Different regions throughout the world post minimum and maximum speed limits on their major highways. Please bring about the same… read more
This petition concerns the decision of the RAMQ to impose a maximum speed limit for users of motorized wheelchairs awarded… read more
The Voter Fraud Prevention Petition is aimed at creating a simple, hassle free way to verify voter eligibility. Voter Fraud… read more
Amendment XVI (Ratified February 3, 1913) "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever… read more
Child pornography has exploded into a multi-billion dollar industry that crosses all state and local borders. Yet, Maryland is one… read more
The Alabama DHR has outlined guidelines for its Child Support Law for which it does not conform to. This Department… read more
The death penalty is not used enough. The simple fact remains that there are way too many murders a year.… read more
To the Legislative Assembly of Victoria The Petition of John and Celia Denney of Kilmore draws to the attention of… read more