- Target:
- The village of Buffalo Grove
- Region:
- United States of America
Petition to Give us back our quality of life
To: The Village of Buffalo Grove
Neighboring residents have recently attended several Village meetings in protest of the Buffalo Park District's request to permit the Buffalo Grove Recreational Association (BGRA) and the Bill George Youth Football League (BGYFL) extended usage of the Public Announcement (PA) systems at both East and West Emmerich Park parcels for the entire season, beginning in 2003.
Prior to 1992 Park Ordinances poorly governed the organizations listed above. In 1991 the Park requested that the Village allow them to install PA systems on both parcels. Public hearings and Village meetings took place due to concerns expressed by not only the residents, but by the planning commission and the village board regarding the request. The planning commission vetoed the request (0 yes - 7 no). The Village amended the wording to "limited use" and passed an Ordinance referencing Emmerich East.
"Limited Use" at Emmerich East was defined as:
· The PA system was limited to homecoming, post-season playoff and tournament football games.
· The PA system was limited to three weekends (six days maximum) for football.
· The PA system was limited to a maximum volume of 70 decibels.
· The PA system was limited to specific hours of the day;
o 9:00am - 5:00pm on Saturdays and 12:00noon - 4:30pm on Sundays.
Even though the BGRA and Emmerich West were included in all deliberations, once drafted, the Ordinance failed to include this association and parcel.
"Limited Use" at Emmerich West was discussed to:
· Limit the PA system to All Star games for baseball.
· Limit the PA system to one weekend (two days maximum).
· Limit the PA system to a maximum volume of 70 decibels.
· Limit the PA system to specific hours of the day;
o 9:00am - 5:00pm on Saturdays and 12:00noon - 4:30pm on Sundays.
Through the years, the rules of the Ordinance have constantly been violated, and when requests to enforce the Ordinance were made, little or nothing was done, and the violations continued.
As mentioned previously, the Park District is now asking for amendments to Ordinance. They have requested permission from the Village to allow full usage of the PA from dusk till dawn for the entire football season at the East parcel, and submitted a second request for Ordinance to allow 8:30am start times on Sundays for baseball at the West parcel.
In 1992, there was an estimated 500 participants registered with the BGRA and the BGYFL. There are now an estimated 2,800 participants registered. These numbers do not reflect the teams played against. Activity has risen from some weeknights and some weekends to nearly every night and nearly every weekend.
History of the events that led to the ordinance as well as current events regarding recent discussions can be obtained through the Village web site (www.vbg.org) under "agendas and minutes" then under "board of trustees, preliminary agendas". The most recent meetings regarding this topic began with the Village on September 23rd. The plan commission workshop is anticipated on 11/20/02.
We are asking you as neighbors to help stop any further intrusions to our neighborhood. The continuing growth has polluted and overburdened our streets with traffic and our neighborhood with congestion and noise. Should Emmerich East be allowed full usage of the PA, it will be a matter of time until Emmerich West requests the same. Our efforts are to maintain limited use.
Members of the Village Board have told us that our best defense would be to show up at the public hearings with as many neighboring residents as possible, which is the purpose for this letter. We look forward to any issues, concerns or suggestions that you may have, and truly look forward to your support at future meetings.
Note: We are not fighting City Hall. We are asking that the Village maintain and enforce the "spirit" of the Ordinance, which is to limit the use of any amplified system at both parcels. A petition has been drafted, and there are currently thirty-one (31) signatures. We ask at the very least that you sign this petition. More importantly, please attend as many meetings on this topic as you can.
Gary Gillmeister John Teckorius
196 Raupp Boulevard 199 Raupp Boulevard
847-541-0664 847-459-8599 ggillmeister@attbi.com jteckorius@attbi.com
Give us back our quality of life
I have read the Give us back our quality of life Petition to The Village of Buffalo Grove, and I hereby sign the petition:
Eligible signatories: residents of Buffalo Grove.
We are against the Buffalo Grove Park District proprosal to amend the special use ordinance to expand the number of days for use of the Public Address system at Emmerich Parks.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Return our quality of life - less noise at Emmerich Parks! petition to The village of Buffalo Grove was written by jteckorius and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.