Hamed Rouhinejad is a young man in Iran who was arrested in May 2009, 40 days BEFORE the presidential elections… read more
Diwali is an official holiday in India, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Mauritius, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Fiji.… read more
It appears that for the time being the Annual National Conference on Innovation has been discontinued. It is unknown whether… read more
“Save Our Yeshiva” is the name of the last-ditch campaign launched by students and supporters of the Od Yosef Chai… read more
In 1965 the University of Ottawa re-organized it's charter and became a secular institution in order to obtain government funding.… read more
Prayer in Schools .. For and Against. (By Carol Brooks) Much has been said both for and against prayer in… read more
ბოლო დროს განვითარებულმა მოვლენებმა აშკარა გახადა რომ საქართველოში საქმე გვაქვს მართლმადიდებლების უფლებების მიზანმიმართულ დარღვევასთან, და ეს კანონდარღვევა… read more
After Comedy Central cut a portion of a South Park episode following a death threat from a Muslim group, Seattle… read more
Calling on all people of conscience to urge Republican leaders to insist that Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) withdraw her support… read more
Last week, The New York Times implicated Pope Benedict XVI in an alleged cover-up by accusing Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, then-Cardinal… read more