Sign this petition if you think that Community Speak should be moved back down to the Misc. section. read more
This petition has been written to obtain property that was taken from me on March 5, 2004. It was a… read more
This petition is for an elderly man that was released from a Florida state prison only to be held by… read more
On Friday, 07 May 2004, the culprits of the multiple theft cases around the school were apprehended and caned in… read more
Stop discrimination against people and animals... mostly all living creatures. They have a life and feelings also, I'm sure you… read more
Many of the members of the {TSP} Clan are sick and tired of these meetings about a ventrilo server for… read more
The Rape Shield Laws should be changed because they no longer provide for a fair trial. They have made it… read more
My brother Estil Gene Duncan #193-691, he's 51 this May. For the past 18 years he has been in prison.… read more
Mr. Foley went to trial today, he was found guilty on 2 counts of animal cruelty, not 1 but 2!!… read more
This petition is to put before the Board of Directors as a special vote/meeting by the MEMBERS of the organization… read more