On August 21, 2001 we were informed that Nestor Rodríguez Lobaina, president of the organization Young Cubans for Democracy, had… read more
Uno de los rasgos más sobresalientes de la democracia es el respeto a la voluntad popular, ejercida a través de… read more
Abortion is the greatest horror ever seen by humanity. If we care about God, humanity, or even ourselves we must… read more
Jeremy Denlea is the worlds most annoying person, he deserves to be killed in the most painful way possible. Please… read more
This petition is to break diplomatic relations with Germany. Germany is threatening Polish and other citizens with compulsory military service… read more
Abortion is the murder of absolutely innocent human beings for the sake of human irresponsibility and sensuality. It is the… read more
my friend was violated by an unnamed girl during an innocent drinking binge at his local club Carmens. read more
This petition is to demand Republic of Poland to discontinue military records issued before independence in 1994. read more
In the light of the recent abduction and murder of Jessica and Holly I believe that capital punishment should be… read more
A 31-YEAR-OLD Nigerian woman was led from an Islamic court in tears recently after judges dismissed her appeal against death… read more