Stop the war! I love peace. Bush wants a new war for petrol!! Stop bush stop usa!! read more
We had a talk today about land mines that really touched my heart. Civillians are losing limbs and lives even… read more
A idéia sobre isso, nasceu de uma conversa informal na ListP@n, o propósito era que o transtorno do pânico ganhasse… read more
SB 178, sponsored by Senator Cowin sponsers an amendment to Chapter 419, F.S., to prohibit a group home of 6… read more
il faut du net pour le split pour assurer la perrenite du clan impressive read more
I am having the student body at my elementary school sign a petition to send to President Bush in support… read more
Five Cubans are political prisoners of the United States. They suffer an injustice in different American jails. They are the… read more
Make your views heard. Say no to war in Iraq!! Tell the world leaders we don't want war! read more
Stop the planning of war in Iraq. All this war is about is oil. Bombing a poverty striken nation is… read more
Black folk are a burden! read more