In June 2011 Qld Urban Utilities (QUU), amid fears of liability for future suicide attempts, closed public access to one… read more
Hi Everyone! My son Callum was born at 31 weeks and spent time in the Neonatal Unit at Flinders Medical… read more
We would like the governor of Oklahoma to repeal the sales tax on edible grocery items because we feel that… read more
The US Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe has announced the proposed closing of the Esmond Branch, Smithfield, Rhode Island Post… read more
My sister Katrinia Bennett has Auto Immune Hepatitis. This disease that is non contagious and not self inflicted. The disease… read more
The current economic situation is bad and getting worse due to the unwillingness of many in Congress to compromise. If… read more
香港浸會大學逸夫校園(新校)的兩間餐廳—聯福餐廳及聯福樓(同屬潤時國際有限公司經營)—於6月28日正式結業,改由大家樂旗下的泛亞飲食有限公司營辦。今時今日,外判商的替換變更本是平常事,然而,是次聯福餐廳及聯福樓的結業,潤時卻拖欠20多位工友逾80萬元遣散費、假期補薪、代通知金後揚長而去。 read more
On the first of July each year Territorians celebrate Territory Day, marking the commencement of Self Government in the Territory… read more
A significant number of Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury’s face-to-face counselling and support services are at risk of closure due to… read more
Apparently Sevenoaks council is having talks about closing down Eagle Heights. Let's use people power to insist they keep it… read more