I believe Neshaminy Mall should implement a Parental Escort Policy for the safety of others & to increase revenue for… read more
It was mostly individual prospectors that opened up most areas of Australia’s mineral wealth. There are now still thousands of… read more
Dear Clark Freeport Stakeholders, Season Greetings! In line with the on-going “Tabang Visayas” (Help Visayas) donation campaign of Clark Development… read more
Nestor Mauricio Albanez-Castillo was brought to the United States when he is 7 years old and is now being asked… read more
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XfvOUUYf-8 read more
(ALL ARE WELCOME TO SIGN PETITION-NOT LIMITED TO FRONTIER EMPLOYEES) Frontier Airlines' Values: SAFETY: People are priceless. RESPECT: A co-worker… read more
FM 3005 provides access to and from the West End of Galveston. It must be accessible to allow emergency vehicle… read more
Lions International NEEDS an official mascot figure in order to promote the organisation as well as gain favour amongst the… read more
The McKenzie family have caretaken the Eureka pool for 39 years. They have served the community well. They have always… read more
Dear Sears we are respectfully asking your organisation not to sell the Kardashian line as they come from sweat shops… read more