The word “Hindu” is a foreign with Persian and Arabic origins. The word “Hinduism” is a Persian/Arabic word that stands… read more
Conservative front-bencher David Davis will resign to cause a by-election on the issue of detention without trial. People of all… read more
In regards to the “Return Directive” Up until the end of the World War II, Europe was an emigrant continent.… read more
Hasta finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Europa fue un continente de emigrantes. Decenas de millones de Europeos partieron a… read more
Ce vendredi, quatre personnes ont été inculpées : Wahoub Fayoumi, journaliste à la RTBF ; Constant Hormans, transporteur routier ;… read more
2007-ben a rendőrség nem megfelelő módon biztosította a felvonulást, és nem biztosította az afterparti védelmét. Erről többet a címen… read more
The government of Zimbabwe is giving its impoverished citizens a stark choice: Vote for President Robert Mugabe in the upcoming… read more
Yet another member of young activists – public spirited, well educated and highly committed – has been brutally murdered. Lalit… read more
Nisus Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland supporting hundreds of people every year. It based in Edinburgh for supporting… read more