To ensure on the Palestinian people right to return back to home land they forced to leave since 1948
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Esraa Abdel Fattah is a young Egyptian woman who with her friends created a facebook group calling for a peaceful… read more
Noel Maguire is an Irish citizen who is being held in an English prison. He has been the victim of… read more
Depuis 1949, les autorités chinoises non seulement privent les tibétains de la liberté de religion, de la liberté d'opinion et… read more
Esraa Abd ElFattah is a young Egyptian woman who created a Facebook group asking people to join her in a… read more
We, Life, Independence, Freedom,and Equality (L.I.F.E.) Rights International, have for mission to preserve and protect human lives as stated in… read more
Almost 50,000 poor people have become homless because government smashed 200 slums that were built on government land. Poor evicted… read more
Irish political refugee Pol Brennan is once again in prison after being stopped at a Border Patrol check point over… read more
Instances of missing "at-risk" and for "endangered" young adults, older men and women including the abductions of sons and daughters… read more
The Equal Rights Amendent was first introduced in 1923 and passed the Senate in 1972. However the amendment failed to… read more