Abya Yala, le continent américain selon le nom que lui donnent les nations indigènes, vit des moments historiques, importants et… read more
Virginia legislators gave in to animal rights activist this past session and passed felony legislation against rooster fighting.... The public… read more
The recent hurricanes have left Cuba devastated e.g. half a million houses have been damaged, water tanks destroyed, power and… read more
Although prostitution is legal in Canada, many acts relating to prostitution are illegal. s. 210 of the Criminal Code --… read more
On Monday September 8th, Adam Walker attended a 'professional conduct' hearing of the General Teaching Council (GTC). Adam is accused… read more
El mes de septiembre hemos visto la escalacion de ataques a las organizaciones sociales y poblacion civil en Bolivia, perpetrada… read more
NZ Committee to Free the Cuban Five On September 12th 2008 - the 10th anniversary of the unjust detention by… read more
We need as many signatures as we can get so the future cabin crew will have a decent working life… read more
Menschen auf der Flucht. Menschen, die eine neue Lebensexistenz aufbauen wollen. Menschen, denen verboten wird zu arbeiten. Menschen, die keine… read more
In the last 72 hours, 30 Christians were martyred and 400 plus injured. Tens of thousands of Christians have fled… read more