[ΚΙΝΗΣΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΙΤΗΣ] Υπογράφουμε και λέμε όχι στην εγκατάσταση ανεμογεννητριών στο βουνό της Οίτης!! Στη Ρυθμιστική… read more
WHEREAS UNC Health Care proposes to build a new medical campus that would redevelop 5 parcels in the central horseshoe… read more
This petition is to request testing of soil, around Norwood school, all over the backfield where kids go out for… read more
@Wecare2030 and @Sealegacy, through the lense of renown National Geographic photographer Cristina Mittermeir launched this environmental campaign to raise awareness… read more
The village fountain provided villagers with fresh water for nearly 200 years up until the 1970s. It has since been… read more
Adani coal mine - why international pressure matters Global significance In Australia, the climate movement has been battling a new… read more
Every year 100 Billion single use plastic grocery bags are used in the United States of America. That is approximately… read more
In 2018, Sandburg area residents were promised that the trees in Reindahl Park would be protected, if the folks who… read more
It is now clear that the world has less than 12 years to switch away from fossil fuels to avoid… read more
Let your voice be heard to protect our local nature path in Northfield. The village of Northfield has chosen to… read more