October 27, 2005 The Canadian government's proposed legislation to tap public communication is totally unnecessary. The idea is to make… read more
TO: The Honourable Dr. Philippe Couillard, Quebec Minister of Health Services and Social Services TO: Madame Nicole Malo, Public Curator… read more
Every year, students are granted the right to take off from school for religious holidays such as Christmas, Rosh Hashana,… read more
October 08, 2005 Election Commissioner in Sri Lanka has not taken appropriate steps to maintain voting rights of Sri Lankan… read more
For too long all Politicians, Senators and Congressman and Congresswomen have been lazy and sitting back comfortably ignoring the Minority… read more
Star and Timothy Joseph, self proclaimed, Original Haters of the Star and Buc Wild radio show, which is broadcast on… read more
On July 1,2005 Global-Tel had taken over the billing in the institutions. The rates are higher and a pre-paid account… read more
This petition is being started to persuade District Attorney, Drew Lane, AND/OR the NAACP AND/OR other public officials, to take… read more
C-Span was talking about when teens get on a porn site a notification would be sent to their parents. read more
West Virginia's MR/DD waiver renewal application submitted in June, 2005 was not developed with the meaningful participation* of all stakeholders.… read more