The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program is a city-wide program which started up in 1991 and provides funding and resources towards… read more
• The Canyon De Flores community is long over due for a park we can all enjoy. • The preliminary… read more
A petition opposed to the project known as ‘The Ellington’. Also see and to get a better idea… read more
A businessman at Pinetops nursery is aiming to turn his greenbelt land into houses. I want to stop this development… read more
The former Wards Department Store building on the corner of Seven Sisters Road and the High Road, in the London… read more
Há mais de 10 anos, aquando do início das obras de construção do parque de estacionamento subterrâneo em Campolide, a… read more
「翻新」為名,「破壞」為實 2004年11月,政府推出大嶼山發展概念計劃,建議保存大澳古老漁村的文化遺產和天然資源,同時進行一些工程以提高大澳的吸引力。2007年9月23日,土木工程拓展署聯同規劃署及邁進基建環保工程顧問有限公司在大澳舉辦名為「翻新大澳景貌」的諮詢會,並公佈將動用六億二仟萬元來進行有關的建造工程,諮詢期只得一個月。大澳文化工作室認為這些建造工程,以「翻新」為名,卻做成「破壞」之效;而且整過規劃以舊思維、由上而下、以地標式的規劃硬生生地強加在一個傳統漁村的環境,將大澳打造成另類的主題公園,與維護社區居民的生活文化、可持續發展及公共參與的原則背道而馳。 Damages under the name of ‘renovation’ In November 2004, the local government launched Concept… read more
Travis County is an urban county with its limited land space primarily dedicated to the City of Austin, the State… read more
Musgrave Park Swimming Pool Complex is a community facility used by multiple groups for the purpose sport and recreation. It… read more
India is set to host the 2010 edition of the Commonwealth Games. This is the first 'hallmark event' to be… read more