This is a petition to call on Southampton City Council to improve the foot and cycle paths to Southampton University,… read more
American families spend 18% of their household budgets on transportation, making it the second largest household expenditure after housing. A… read more
This is a petition to request the installation of a pedestrian crosswalk signal at 34th street at the intersection of… read more
Since 2005, Cereal Ingredients has operated a plant in the light industrial park located north of 10th and Eisenhower road.… read more
The Sumpter Horse Public House has been sold off by the brewers to Landfind Ltd for development meaning The Sumpter… read more
Piteå Kommun i form av socialnämnden har beslutat att inte förlänga Karls Källas alkoholtillstånd. Detta får som följd att Karls… read more
Okay. I recently heard that the Leeds Corn Exchange in Leeds city centre is being changed into a food emporium.… read more
TOWN CENTRE DEVELOPMENT AND LEISURE PROPOSALS EXHIBITION Mid Beds District Council in partnership with Flitwick Town Council, Beds County Council… read more
The Freedom Town Board is pushing through a referendum asking for funds to either: A: build a new town hall… read more
When Hoole rail bridge on the A56 Hoole Road is closed temporarily for necessary structural repairs in the first few… read more