Remember when music was really about the music. It didn't matter if you had the perfect body or the greatest… read more
The World Wrestling Corporation are an UP-start wrestling promotion that will perform shows Australia-Wide. WE want to be able to… read more
The World Wildlife Fund forced the World Wrestling Federation to change it's name to World Wrestling Entertainment. So what if… read more
This petition is to ask and, if not supplied, then to demand a public apology to Susan Lucci for the… read more
There have been many people saying that invader Zim is or will be cancelled. Invader Zim is one of the… read more
Nestle and other formula companies continue to to break the Who code putting the world's children in danger. 1.5 million… read more
The words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 to show the world the stark contrast… read more
Child abuse...Bullying...they aren't the same thing but have the same message: "Innocent children being HURT, scarred FOREVER". Governments MUST take… read more
Invader ZIM must not be cancelled. It's come to the attention of many that a much loved show is being… read more
This petition is a small contribution to the ongoing campaign around the world - to cancel thirld world debt. Add… read more