1. Vaccine-preventable diseases haven’t gone away. The viruses and bacteria that cause illness and death still exist and can be… read more
This huge issue, that nobody talks about, is described on this website with more celebrities as examples: https://blairparker.wixsite.com/we-need-to-act-now Good day!… read more
We only need local busness, we don't need a judge, officers, and, or a political figure unknowingly in forcing a… read more
The Trump administration has announced that it is cutting funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) and will withdraw from… read more
From the time we are young, most humans are influenced to view certain species as worthy of care and compassion… read more
I think it is every person's rightful duty to make sure that all the people has access to at-least fundamental… read more
Dear Earthlings, it is possible that earthly humanity is now on the verge of a suicide. That is, the earthly… read more