The 2008 presidential elections we recently held in Kenya had an unacceptable outcome. It's obvious the incumbent rigged the result… read more
There are many people living in Australia who would like to play War rock. Unfortunately we Australians have a disadvantage… read more
The destruction of mankind on this planet, because of sheer human stupidity of destroying the Oxygen we breathe through unbridled… read more
The Arab-Israeli Conflict, a major issue, is ruining the World. Many Jews had been explelled from the world and they… read more
The United States along with about 150 other countries use torture as a means of interrogation. Water-boarding is torture in… read more
Our military has been fighting in Iraq for a VERY long time. Many have lost their lives in this war… read more
In 1990, Enoch, who is from Africa, was serving as a Domiciled Colonial soldier with a British Air Cavalry unit.… read more
Thousands of American troops and innocent Iraqi citizens have needlessly died over the last several years. It is costing us… read more
I've recently watched Earthlings and came up with the idea to do a petition to make meat illegal as we… read more